Thursday, August 01, 2019

Cher Lapid's Sole Purpose and Goal in Life

Clearing some photos from the cloud today and came across this post from Cher Lapid (Cher Vallecer Lapid at one time on Facebook, Cher Cher currently).  If I had to guess this post was written some time around the year that her fake personality was unveiled.  I'm positive she posted this for herself because she loves to gossip and engage in drama.  If there is no gossip or drama, she will create it herself, because that's her oxygen.

Cher Lapid sweetie, I beg to disagree with your post.  Just because your life is filled with silly drama and gossip that you create and thrive on (you got loose lips eh?), it doesn't mean you're disconnected from your sole purpose in life or lack goals.  Hate to break it to yah, but that's all you're ever gonna amount to.  Drama and gossip are all that can fit in your dull brain and hateful heart, these two are YOUR meaningful goals and the sole purpose of your pathetic life.  Admit it. Embrace it. Own it.

No need to shy away and hide from your true self.  Stop pretending that you are this harmless or this kind person who fight for and support causes that you know deep down you don't really care about.  Heck, you don't even care about my daughter, your husband's child, how can you say you care about strangers?  You hate homeless, mentally ill strangers and people you think are beneath you (see your Yelp post somewhere in this blog for the receipt).  You made sure you drive a wedge on people's relationships wherever you go, destroying friends and relatives around you (yes I know about the fallout because of what you did, but that's honestly outside the scope of this blog because it doesn't concern my daughter anymore, but know that I'm aware of the bonds you destroyed because you are narcissistic), so tell me Cher, how do you expect to build connection with humankind in general, when all you do is annihilate relationships that don't serve you?

Read your very own malicious, savage and spiteful words that I posted here for eternity, for you to never forget, to never unsee  - the screenshots of what you shamelessly wrote about my daughter, what you repeatedly said about her to your side of the family, what you really think of her - this is the authentic Cher Lapid.  Don't you ever get tired projecting fakeness?  Continuing to live this made up persona on social media when we have receipts of who you really are, right here on this blog, is plain stupidity.

This blog that you discovered sometime late last year when you googled yourself.  You came crying in full wambulance mode, like the victim that you are, to your husband who called my daughter while she was studying for finals.  My daughter did not know about this blog's existence until your husband, her inconsiderate father, admonished her about this.  My daughter called me clearly upset, and while I was very regretful for not letting her know beforehand about this blog, I was also infuriated that your husband picked an inopportune time to bother her with your drama!  Why attack my daughter? She didn't write this blog, why not talk to me? I know why, because you are both effing cowards! You know your actions are shameful, so instead of decking it out with someone your own size, you again trample on the innocent, little one.  That makes you a bully - coward, insecure and spineless underneath all that facade.

Why were you so disgruntled about this blog Cher?  What did I post here that wasn't true?  The screenshots were your words, are they not?  Are you going to attempt to deny them, you big fat liar?  Were you angry that I've posted YOUR words and YOUR thoughts for the world to see?  Consider this my gift to mankind, a public service if you must, so they can be warned of what and who Cherissa Lapid genuinely is underneath all that overdone make up and social climbing vibe fashion sense.

I digress again, I know.  I'm deleting the above screenshot from my cloud, but needed to park it somewhere.  If it isn't apparent enough Cher, I have not forgotten all the disgusting and hurtful words you said about my daughter those many years ago. You messed with the wrong mama bear.  I'm a Mom - an unequivocally, unapologetically protective and fiercely loyal one.  What's your excuse for being the revolting piece of filth that you are?  Cher, you are no different from those adults who abuse kids by spreading hate.

But like you said on your pretentious Facebook post #PositiveVibesOnly only, so here it goes...I wish you get everything that you justifiably deserve in life Cher.  I wish you get back all that you put out to the universe.

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